HomeThe CompanySustainability


CBE considers corporate sustainability an integral part of the company’s business and defines it as the balance between the economic and social development of the surrounding community and the environment, at the medium and long term, and the main goal is to continue to create value for shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers and society at large.

Corporate Communication

Dynamics of an organization is developed by interconnecting integral parts, these being continuously informed and continuously reporting on their development, enabling their re-feeding and survival in face of the daily challenges and obstacles. The communication system is vital for processing internal administrative functions and relationshipof the organization with the external environment.

>> CBE Code of Conduct

>> Code of Relationship with Suppliers of Goods and Services

The Management of CBE's fleet


Internal Alignment Meetings

At CBE, top and middle managers meet weekly to discuss matters of general interest, identify situations requiring closer monitoring by directors, and submission of weekly production numbers.

At the first Monday of each month CBE holds a monthly general meeting with all company employees, where works in progress of each Business Unit are submitted and specific situations of general knowledge are highlighted, and monthly production and billing numbers are shown.

Welcome Guide

CBE holds a coaching session in classroom and makes a general presentation of the company, other employees and facilities for all new employees. The new employee is given a Welcome Guide containing general instructions on key issues related to the team he has just started working with.

Information for Suppliers and Employees on OHS and Environment

As for all employees, there is a concern for all service providers to undertake CBE’s procedures, attitudes and practices.

CBE’s goals and objectives shall be comprehensively and sustainably achieved with the involvement of all partners. Meetings held with suppliers seek to cross-disseminate the OHS and Environment procedures in force at CBE, always taking into account each customer’s specific instructions.


CBE believes that prevention and success of the organization are guaranteed by the power of communication.
Effective communication provides a single information environment where everyone is involved in continuously improving and preventing events on the organization.

>> Brochure 1

>> Brochure 2

>> Brochure 3

Informational displays in Open Space

CBE has information displays where the company publishes, for internal information, subjects discussed at meetings, the evolutionary status of ongoing projects, company guidelines and customer information.


GPS devices installed on CBE’s car fleet

Since 2005, CBE’s car fleet is equipped with tracking and fleet management devices which allowed a different dynamics regarding the fleet use, as well as a more precise management of the resources.

A listing with exceeded speed limits and the corresponding employees is posted monthly for each month, and the line manager has to take action on this point.
The main effects produced by these measures were the reduction in fuel consumption and in the wear and tear of vehicles.